nutritional values box

The nutritional profile of Chicory Coffee is very similar to that of the roots of the plant from which it is extracted.

The nutritional values ​​of Chicory Coffee are closely linked to those of Chicory Root. So let's take a look at the nutrient profile of the root:

Nutritional Values ​​Fresh Chicory "Raw Roots" (per 100 gr)

                    Calories: 73
                    Protein: 1.3 grams
                    Carbohydrates: 17.5 grams
                    Fat: 0.17 grams
                    Fiber: 1.5 grams
                    Manganese: 12% of the RDI ¹
                    Vitamin B6: 12% of the RDI ¹
                    Potassium: 8% of the RDI ¹
                    Vitamin C: 8% of the RDI ¹
                    Phosphorus: 7% of the RDI ¹
                    Folate: 5% of the RDI ¹


Nutritional Values ​​of "Salomoni" Chicory Coffee

I thought it would be helpful to share the nutritional values ​​I found on the package of my favorite italian chicory root powder.
This is the one I use every day: Cicoria Salomoni.

Salomoni Chicory Nutritional Values ​​for Moka

Calories of Chicory Coffee

For coffee we consider a calorie intake of about 15-20 calories per large cup.

Remember that some nutrients such as vitamins and minerals are lost in the boiling water extraction phase.

¹RDI (Recommended Daily Intake) identifies the amount of nutrients to be introduced to meet the nutritional needs of individuals with common characteristics on a daily basis (source: Wikipedia)